Valuation, Value Capture & Timing
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Are you Trading Biotech?
We provide a view of the biotech landscape through the lens of the IBB ETF and the macro environment for biotech companies based on where valuations are headed. Every week, we forecast the week ahead, and if you were buying the IBB on Friday, August 30th, we would have told you not to as it would be at least 4% cheaper the week of September 3rd. That’s just one of the benefits of our research.
About Us
We are immersed in the business of biotech from the Bench to the Boardroom. Our wide arc of experience gives us the perspective to understand Biotech value creation and positions us to assess potential future market changes and the impact on valuations.
IBB Edit
Forecasting the IBB ETF through the lens of macro factors and top components driving price
Valuation View
Analyzing the external drivers of biotech valuation – macro, regulatory, political, payors, patents
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